Tuesday, April 27, 2010

100 Books Everyone Should Read: #2

#2: Wuthering Heights
Author: Ellis Bell or better known as Emily Brontë
Summary: This guy named Mr. Lockwood is the narrator and narrates the story of his land lord, Heathcliff and the Earnshaws, from the maid Nelly Dean. Ta-da. The End! Just kidding. But there is more.....so basically everyone falls in love with everyone else but everyone doesn't want the other to love the other person, because they secretly love them, but will not admit it. And somewhere in the mix a bunch of people die. It is truly a lovely book. No really it is AMAZING!!! You just have to focus. By the way did I mention that there are two Catherine's. Not One but TWO. One is the mother, Catherine and her daughter is young Catherine. If you miss the young it gets confusing.
Favorite Character: Heathcliff
Why I love this book: This is not just a book, but a piece of art!! The transition from the different generations are carefully sculpted. All the characters have multiple dimensions and layers. I love how Brontë realizes human natures flaw's and accept them in a way that most of us would deny.
Book on Amazon
Author Website: I could not find a website for Emily Brontë. One of the greatest literary writers don't have a website!!! She is probably rolling over in her grave!!! ok maybe I am exaggerating a little bit... So I found the closest thing to a author website as I could.(sniffle..... sniffle)

Leave a comment and tell me what you think of Wuthering Heights or you can just tell me I am awesome.:D


  1. I could not get into that book. I've tried so many times. :/

  2. Thank-you very much for commenting and following me. I appreciate it!


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