Sunday, April 25, 2010

Writing is not always a piece of cake

Mmmmmm, cake sounds good. Anyways I am finished Chapters 1-3 of my rough draft. It is hard because i have to capture the emotion of the characters, make sure my writing sounds like it did in the time period, and make sure almost all of it is historically accurate. Talk about multitasking! So what I think I am going to do is to try to get all the dialog down and all the emotions (it has a lot of ethos in it) first and then go back through the whole book and change the dialog to make sure it is sounds accurate for the time period and then go back and make everything historically accurate. So what do you think? Post a comment if you have any suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you got your work cut out for you! In the words of Christina Dodd,-write the whole thing first. It's ok if it sucks because you're going to go over it again later.

    I've completed one manuscript so far and refuse to do so much as a second edit to any new stories until I completely finish them. I think it helps keep the creativity going.


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